LTS-BASE® Long-term-stable dental abutments for nearly all major implant systems

We at Abutments4life have the goal to develop and to deliver the world best Hybrid-abutments on a Ti-BASE. Angulated screw-channel, Titanium-plasma-coating, the „Backpacker“ and a basal wavedesign improve mechanical and biological long-term-stability.

Improved esthetic outcome at less treatment time is the goal.

Faster, easier and a higher aesthetic outcome - that´s the idea behind the system. This results in halving the average treatment time whilst the soft tissue can still heal.

Precision and quality of manufacturing made in Germanys center of competence for medical devices.

Nowhere else in the world you can find such a high density of manufacturers of medical devices like in Baden-Wuerttemberg. We are proud of our art of engineering and the quality of products „Made in Germany“. In most of the cases the production tolerance is lower than the manufacturers tolerances.

Compatible Ti-bases for the most widely used implant systems.

Abutments4life delivers prosthetic solutions, components and CAD-libraries for all the most commonly implant systems: