Maintain your accustomed digital CEREC-workflow and enjoy the additional benefits of the LTS-BASE®

Our C-BASE is optimized for soft tissue attachement to the abutment and furthermore equipped with an antibacterial nano-coating. The screw has also been optimized which leads to improved mechanical properties. The textured surface improves bonding between base and suprastructure without sandblasting.
For more information visit: Materials & Biocompatibility

Additionally the base is angulated starting at the implant shoulder which allows easier adjustments in the anatomical situation. Screw retained restorations become an option in all tooth positions.

LTS-BASE Praemolar

The angulation allows implant placement in line with natural angle between tooth axis and bone. The accustomed CEREC-workflow remains the same.

LTS-BASE Praemolar

The C-BASE angulated and straight on Straumann Bonelevel NC

LTS-BASE Praemolar

Our tools are standardized and usable for every system.
Libraries are available for 3shape and Exocad test specimen.

LTS-BASE tools
The C-BASE is available in our Online-Shop.
*available inside EU and countries without import restrictions.

Link to the C-BASE in the webshop: